Sunday, 3 May 2020

April 2020 - Paenga Whāwhā

April was one for the books. The kids didn't go in a car the whole time, I only went to donate blood once and get groceries a few times. A month of government imposed togetherness!!!!

Seth asks Joe to challenge him to games about 45 times a day cause they play for stakes like 'who has to do the dishes?' and Seth will do anything to get out of doing a job

The night time set up before official school started back
Worked a treat for a while

One of our easter activities, thanks for the idea Aunty Nae

Easter mystery

Ella did such a fabulous job creating a family lesson about honesty

Nice Son, just what I didn't want stuck onto your ceiling

Uncle Seth's birthday

Ella teaching her lesson

Faith with her precious penguiny that she had to take a photo with for her formclass

The day they wanted a spa pool and spent the whole day building it

One of Dally's home learning projects. She was meant to create a robot out of recycled materials but we changed it into a paper mache coronavirus

This wood's been put away now thank goodness but she sat here day after day chatting with the neighbours

Stand at Dawn mates

Traditional ANZAC day Breakfast/Lunch

Seth's Dad inspired toast......peanut butter, coconut oil, chilli sauce and soy sauce + dried onions from MiGoreng packets. Mean he reckons

Tumeric died top for a home learning project

Faithy n Dad doing a YW reading assignment together

Ella's mask creation....and her beetroot dyed t-shirt

Before the 2.4km slog around the block

Off to his first job in 5 weeks

Should we call this 'Handsome Mum' or 'Cool Mum'?

I can't get enough of this gorgeous girls writing. So stinkin' cute. I wonder when it'll not look so big n special....doesn't look like it's changing anytime soon!