Sunday, 11 April 2021

Poutu-te-rangi 2021

 March has a good ol' lockdown thrown in there. We love it around here!

As always, these pics are muddled and I can't be bothered/don't have time to fix it

Bobby's lockdown friendships bracelets

Bobs made the bikkies but prefers apples

Homemade bikkies and Astroboy arvo

Homemade sushi

$5 each at northwest mall while I got my gel nails removed

Friday afternoon after our week of lockdown school

Our 7km ride turned into an extra 1km walk with these guys down Swanson Road. They'd got it from a mate and had to walk it back to their place

Home learning rebus challenge...right up my alley

Silly me, I gave the kids $5 each cause they were so good during the Hui-tau practise. Over an hour later and we still weren't out of there

Dad was exhausted so he had a 20 min kip while the kids um and ahed

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