Wednesday, 16 April 2014

My babies are growing up....:(

It's so bittersweet to have my children grow up. As much as I hate sleepless nights, trying to communicate with someone who can't communicate back, whinging, and all that comes with little children, I also get really sad when I see that my children are growing up and realise that although they'll always be my babies, they won't always be my babies, if that makes sense.

Since Faith's tooth came out a few weeks ago I've been forced to accept that she's getting older and bigger and that's never going to stop. Since the moment we brought Dallin home, Seth has turned into a 'big kid' who tries desperately to talk (and is doing really well). I can't believe my little Seffy Sunny Man can talk now.....It makes me really cherish and enjoy snuggly moments with my baby Dallin!

Updates for Faith for the past few weeks.....

Faith waits for me at the fence in the Summerland carpark every afternoon so I don't have to find a park and walk in to her classroom. She's so good at doing it, although sometimes if she thinks she's waited there too long she has a big sigh when she gets in the car and says 'Mum, can you not take so long!!!!'. A couple of weeks ago she asked if she could play with her friends on the playground for a bit before she walks to the fence. I said yes, but it didn't really work out because she doesn't have a watch and didn't know how long 'a little bit' was. So off we went to Kmart to buy her a watch. Now she can play until 3:10 and then she has to walk to the fence.

Although, since she got the watch Dallin's arrived and the deal's changed. She now walks out of the carpark and about 10 houses down the street so I don't have to get so close to the school just in case Dallin's throwing a patty in the car for the pickup...even better!. We can be out and back from the school pick up in 3 mins!

This is the watch she really wanted...over all the cute girls ones!?!?!?! I couldn't talk her out of it until we read at the top that it says 'boys'...phew!

She was quite keen on this because she wanted one with 'hands' but when I started to explain how they work she realised it was a bit too advanced for her.

Finally settled on this one

Ella Updates....

At the dentist getting some sealant on one of her teeth.

Mummy and Deppy watching her at the dentist (Deppy is what he calls himself)

Seth Updates....

Guess who loved the choc fudge pudding I gave him for breakfast a few weeks ago...thanks Aunty Nae

Gosh, I caught this just in time. Big sissy 'helping' to do little bro's nappy

Seffy in big boy heaven...going round the block on his bike

Updates for Dallin....

One of our only pics with Dally's eyes open...thanks Aunty Natty

Big cuzzy Kyky with his little doll

First ever blood test, at only 6 days old....poor little poppet. She screamed for the whole thing, which took ages cause the lady had to prick her foot and squeeze out enough blood drops to fill 2 little vials.

She is awake sometimes, honest! Usually at about 3-6am!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute updates on your 4!!!!! babies :) So cool that you can do the whole drive by pickup with Pod & that she even gets to have a play on the playground till 10 past 3. Love that Seffy loved the choc fudge so much his whole head was practically in the bowl!
