Tuesday 26 April 2011

Puzzles and Towers

Tonight Joe went out to a seminary meeting and the girls were not happy about their Dad leaving. To distract them we built towers and did animal puzzles. 

That's Faith in the middle of shouting 'cheese'. Most of her photos these days look like this!

Ella only lasted about 10 minutes and then she went off to bed. And Faith decided that since she was told it was nearly bed time she better actually eat some of her dinner which sat untouched...yummy chicken and mushroom pie, one of her favourites.

Monday 25 April 2011

The Royal Easter Show

On Friday Faith and I went out on a Mummy/Daughter date to the Easter show with Mac and Aunty Nae.

Teacups, always a favourite for these 2
Faith desperately wanted to go on a ride like this at Movie World last year but she was too short. It seems that between then and now she's developed a bit of fear for things that she's unsure about. Eventually she got on....and loved it at first, but after the first few drops the smile disappeared and was replaced by panic (trying not to scream for help!)

When we first got there this was all Faith wanted to go on. A train that goes around a little oval track.....so fun!!!!

It was soooo cool. Faith and Mac went on lots of the Cookie Bear rides together.
Once again there was lots of farm animals that we could walk right up to and pat (or just look at!)

Faith was game enough to reach out for a pat

This was a big Alaskan Malamute which reminded us of Skye. His name was Cola.

There was a strong man competition that was fun to watch. The big men had to lift heavy weights. We wondered if Dad and Uncle Stan could compete at something like that? 

Wow Mac, your muscles are MASSIVE!

We also got to go to the Polkadots show. Faith sat still for the entire show and didn't take her eyes off the stage for a second. Big Polkadots fan!!!! And Mac was quite taken by Koopa and Doobie Wop (the robot)

Faith in Polkadot Heaven

Mac with his new bestie

And his other new bestie

We're already looking forward to going to the Easter Show again next year!

Butterfly Creek

About 2 weeks ago we went to Butterfly Creek. We got to see crocodiles and butterflies and lots of farm animals too.
Ella stop trying to eat the bunny!

Faith is a little bit scared of animals (maybe she picks up on her Mum's fears), but Mac and Shylah were much more confident.
We bought about 4 bags of food for the kids to feed the animals and I think Joe and Stan had to do most of it.

Getting ready for our train ride.

A 'Mac' sandwich

Cuzzie Mac's 3rd Birthday

A few weekends ago it was cuzzie Mac's 3rd birthday. We had been looking forward to his party for ages so it was so exciting when the day finally arrived. He had a 'Cars' birthday with a 'cars' bouncy castle and old Mcdonald's farm. It was so fun. 

This is the cake that Aunty Nae made. It was so cool and yum.

We had lots of yummy food like pizza, chicken nuggets, popcorn and biscuits.

Mum and Ella Bellie Butt Butt

For some reason Mac didn't have his t-shirt on for the whole party. Not sure why

Mustard Powder + Eyes = Ouch!

One morning Aunty Renee rang and asked for a yummy salad recipe as she was going out that night for dinner with a family in the ward. I emailed one to her and told her not to bother buying mustard powder because it's not the kind of thing you use very often and I already had a whole new container. I put it on the corner of the bench so I wouldn't forget to put it in the car when we went out.
After that I put Ella in bed for her morning nap, set Faith up with a DVD (movie as she calls them), and proceeded to start working on the RS newsletter on the computer. After quite a while I turned around to see what Faith was doing as she was extremely quiet and hadn't been talking to me (or interrupting me). I was not impressed to see that she'd picked up the mustard container and tipped out the powder onto the floor and was squishing it into the carpet with her feet. My intial reaction was anger and frustration. How annoying to have to clean this up. Then I thought I better take a photo as evidence of her antics to show her Dad when he got home from work. Just after I took the photos below, she wiped her nose. I saw her hand going to her nose in slow motion and was yelling at her not to do it but she didn't stop. She realised it was hot as soon as it got on her face, and then despite me telling her to keep her hands away from her face (as they were caked with with fine yellow powder), she then went from wiping her nose, to wiping her eyes. That's when the hysterical screaming started. The powder was burning her eyes and we couldn't stop it. I carried her to the bathroom and poured water all over her face but the tears kept coming. She was in such pain that she was trying to scratch her eyes out  of their sockets (sorry about the vivid description), plus she was so worked up that she started hyperventilating. There seemed to be no relief, so I ended up calling for an ambulance, fearing that the powder was actually burning her eyeballs. They came over and checked her out and thankfully said that I'd done the right thing. Nothing more could be done apart from flushing her eyes with water. She had a couple of burn marks on her face for a few days where little patches of mustard powder had stayed on her skin. It was horrible, but could have been worse.
Needless to say she is now very hesitant of mustard. I showed her the container the other day and she said 'no mummy, it hurts my eyes.... i need ambilance'
I wouldn't leave medications or cleaning things around in case my girls got into them, but I didn't realise that mustard powder was just as dangerous. Now I'm definitely more vigilant.

Sleepover with Bubba Jordy

On January 13th, precious lil' bubby Kyky (Kyah) was born. So to give his Mum and Dad (Aunty Natty and Kris) a bit of special time with him, we looked after Jordy for the night. Faith loved it. We went to the park and had Fish 'n chips for dinner and then came home to sleep in the lounge together. Uncle Joe thought he could get Faith and Jordy to sleep but after about an hour of trying and no luck, Faith was taken to her room to sleep in her cot, and Jordy crashed out as soon as she left the room. It was so much fun to have the cuzzies stay and play together. Can't wait till we have a bigger house and can have all the cuzzies over to sleep together....fun!!!!
Bubby Kyky (Kyah Jesse Willoughby) the day after he was born

Supposed to be going to sleep but having a 'cracker party' instead

An introduction to the family

Hi there, Thought it would be a good idea to add a few pics of who this blog is about. There's Daddy Joe, Mummy Mel, Faithy K and Ella D.

My first ever blog entry!

I've never done any blogging before so this is a new experience for me. Hopefully I'll learn as I go along :)