Wednesday 5 October 2016

Pics from our September Holidays

Here's what we've been up to this holidays...all the pics have come in back to front and there's no way at 10:20pm I can be bothered changing them around!!!

Very weird being a Mum of one...lovin' my 1 on 1 time with this doll while everyone else is away for 3 days

Can't wait to bring the big kids here

Brand new park down the road....a winner according to Dalls

An outing to the city to meet the Leones and Grandie for a wander, McDs and a visit to the Maritime Museum

A little mini buffet breakfast at our hotel with the kids 2 sundays in a row. I'm sure they won't be wanting us to bring these animals back for a while
The only pic I took at Aunty Sarah's wedding!

Pics from the wedding courtesy of Emmeline

The big sissys got to spend a day at the Westwave holiday programme while Mum and Dad went clothes shopping (we've NEVER done that before and it was so much fun!)

Faith's first ever experience with sewing. Aunty Nae was over while we did it so she knows it was a tad stressful for me, but Faith's chuffed and I think she learnt that if/when it gets a bit tricky, say a prayer!

The girls were told not to eat for 1 hour after having some fluoride put on their'd think they'd been told they couldn't eat for a week. As soon as we got in the car I kept hearing 'how many minutes has it been, when can we eat!!!!' I'm pretty sure it was the longest hour of their life

LOVE that toothless beam

Turn my back for 2 minutes and this is what don't do justice to how full of bubbles that bath was, or how much fun they had with it

Happy birthday Uncle Matthew, this is how we eat with manners at the table

1st day of the holidays....I got out of bed at 10am, seriously...10am!!! The kids were just hanging out in the lounge with a couple of packets of crackers and apples. We did a quick tidy up and brought out the mattresses to set up our home movie theatre....The Secret Life of Pets

So now that it's Wednesday of Week 2, I've got 'holidays are almost over' anxiety!!!! 
2 more days to go and I've still a few little jobbies to do, but nothing major... life is good xxx