Wednesday 19 April 2017

Term 1 2017 (Feb-April)

Here's a photo diary of places we've been & things we've done throughout Term 1, 2017. Life's pretty much term by term around here so I'll probably add like this in the future. Gotta keep it manageable right!

Teacher only Day Fail :(

Helping Hands at school before we started back. The gardens were super overgrown with weeds. Looks like the kids helped but they totally didn't life a finger, just played for a few hours while I weeded with a friend

Panthers, Storm and another Aussie   NRL team came to the park at the end of our road. Not sure who was more excited, the kids or their Dad

Where's Dalls? Oh of course, she's playing on the stage with all the big kids

Family Trip to Rotorua for the Moore reunion over Waitangi Weekend

A beautiful day heading down to Stratford for a few days so we could be at Uncle Wiri's tangi. What a beautiful part of the country, but a really sad reason to be going there
Don't even know what to write here. Soooooo sooooo sad :( This is the last picture Joe had with Wiri which was taken at Dall's baby blessing in May 2014.

When Dad came to our and ward he basically taught my YW claas

My 2 jump jam leader stars

Super helper fix it guy who came in to hang my new TV

Love taking my big baby to achievement nights, and she just eats it up too. So much like her Mumma

Buy new shoes, get too excited, put the on right then and there in the mall!

Supposed to be in the shower and I walk in to find him dancing on the toilet?!?!?!

We were invited to Valen's birthday which was supposed to be waterslide and bouncy castles outside. It turned out to be super stink weather so it turned into a bouncy castle party in the chapel hall but of course Dalls had heard something about a waterslide and just had to wear her togs!

Cool Mumma danced in the rain for about 1/2 an hour on the driveway when we got home from the party. Best Mum Ever right there!

Reward of La Porchetta for dinner after doing a great family presentation for sacrament the day before, if I do say so myself

Ooohhh Mum, don't go in that park, it's a toilet park (Seth)

Cafe meetings don't happen very often as a teacher so when they do, you need to take a picture. In saying that, I think I had about 4 cafe meetings this term which isn't too bad

1st visit with our annual zoo pass

My 15+ year old recipe box. Seen better days so it was time to sort and biff :(

What a gorgeous and conscientious mini golf monitor

How cool is that palm tree picture....taken by photographer extraordinaire Mac

In the new Oliver MMA gym. Nice but flippn expensive

Friday arvo swims at Israel's house around the corner

Oh man, take me back!

Monday Madness session about......CONCRETE!

Lunch at Kreem...,my new fave place

Where are your supposed to put your stickers after you leave the dentist?
All over your face of course!

Pre cross country

Post cross country

Proud Mumma....Bella Rae came 1st!

Proud Mumma again....Faith came 10th!

Mummy Faithy Date after the Women's Broadcast. So proud of her yet again cause she desperately wanted to go to the movies with her siblings and cuzzies but she came with me instead. Special evening right there

Get your mitts our of it Dalls!

This little cracker got given $20 by an elderly lady visiting our ward because she made her feel welcome in our ward. Can you believe it? Not just a lolly, but $20. She's got a gift this girl!

Youth with all the kids....pretty testing!

Ella's home learning treat for our FHE last week. Made with 0 adult help, she even went to the supermarket with Faith while I picked up the kids from daycare. They're growing up!!!

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1st rugby practise for the Baby Buffalos. So cute I just about died

Not so cute....this homeless dog really knows how to get grubby and run around a sandy, muddy, wet field for 45 if I didn't know that already