Thursday 24 May 2018

Mystery Island, Vanuatu

Once again this was a tender boat situation and my goodness it was well worth the little trip to shore!

Once we arrived we both got texts that Vanuatu was providing free wifi for the day so we went pretty hard after 5 whole days of absolutely no phone connection. Good timing too cause Joe secured a job in Christchurch for the weekend we got home while sitting right there

Dall's trying to make friends with the little girl who owned the iguanas

Is anyone noticing a theme in Seth's posing?
Where/who does his get that from?!?!?!?

Having a quick catch up with Grandie and Aunty Nae

Still no need to put this guy to sleep, even at 5 years old he just sorts himself out

We were told there was an airstrip on the island which seemed ridiculous cause it's 1km to walk around. But sure enough, there was an airstrip and it's still used 3 times a week!

The 'airport' was this empty shed

Weeing on the airstrip

Aqua boots might look pretty shame but they're pretty much the best thing ever!

Crazy to think we were there for the day and then jumped on a ship and off we went to our next port of call....Port Vila

Journals, TV and kippin'. I know who I'd rather be!

I think this was my favourite island to be on. It was super duper relaxing, I had the best spot on the sand while the family snorkelled and it was cool to wander around their little stalls with bits and pieces for sale. I'd like to spend every saturday repeating that day if I could.