Tuesday 21 August 2018

My Lasagne

Lasagne has always and probably always will be one of my favourite dinners. I think I make it a pretty standard way but if my girls ever want to make it just like me....here's how I do it.


500g Prime or Premium Beef Mince
1 chopped onion
6 chopped mushrooms
1/2 chopped capsicum (any colour)
1 can pasta sauce (any flavour)

Cheese Sauce

125g butter
4-5 tbsp flour
1 & 1/2 - 2C milk
1 & 1/2 C grated cheese

Cook mincey stuff in the pan with a touch of oil.

While that's cooking, melt butter in a medium sized saucepan. Add flour and whisk together. Slowly add milk and keep mixing so it stays smooth while thickening. Add cheese and mix until all melted.

Start layering the lasagne in a square dish. I use my standard white square one that I use at least every week for one dinner or other.

It doesn't really matter how the layering is done but I generally do it like this (note: the lasagne doesn't need to be cooked beforehand. It goes in raw/uncooked, straight from the packet)

Bottom to top
Cheese sauce
Lasagne Pasta
Cheese sauce
Lasagne Pasta
Cheese sauce
Lasagne Pasta
Cheese sauce
Grated Cheese on top

Cook at 180 for about 40 minutes. You can tell by looking at the top and putting a knife in for when it's all cooked (the pasta should be all soft and cooked)

Because it comes right up to the very top of the dish I always put it on a baking tray incase little bits ooze over the sides

Serve hot, but not too hot (I've burnt my mouth many times with my over eager hungry-ness)....and with a generous portion of sour cream of course.

Now that I've typed this up, I think I've earned myself a second portion of this winner!

Monday 20 August 2018

Banana Choc Chunk Muffins

I've tried so many banana choc muffins over the years and this random find on the internet this arvo is my favourite so far. It might have been helped by the fact that I used chunks of chocolate rather than the usual fairly lame chocolate chips.

  • Banana Choc Chunk Muffins

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 & 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 mashed ripe bananas
  • 150g butter, melted
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 200g cup dark baking chocolate (in chunks)
  • Makes 28-ish

  • Preheat oven to 180. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar & baking soda. In another bowl, whisk egg, bananas, melted butter and vanilla until blended. Add to flour mixture; stir just until moistened. Fold in chocolate chunks. The mixture is really thick and quite sticky
  • Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups three-fourths full. Bake 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in centre comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes before removing from pan to a wire rack. Serve warm.

  • They look like two different recipes but that's cause I accidentally left the darker ones in for about 3 minutes longer. I thought I might have wrecked them but we liked the darker and lighter ones equally

  • Tonight for FHE we didn't really do anything cause Joe was still up at school with Seth and Ella installing 2 new netball hoops. With Firi and Pups we  organised our library books into 2 piles (keepers and returns). I just had to take a pic of how the girls arranged the books to start off with. Faith just frisbeed them out of the box so we could see all of the titles, Dalls came along and lined them all up so they were in neat rows....typical girls
