Monday 2 December 2019

November - Whiringa-ā-rangi

Summer holidays are almost here! November was awesome. I feel like I could repeat the whole thing and be happy with every minute of it (except the bickering and moaning)

Kapa Haka Sleepover

My cute bedmate

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Massey Ward Cultural Night

Faithy's first ride on our e-scooter

Athletics Day 2019

Poor Dally had to come to Faith's orientation evening cause I didn't want to leave her at youth with the other kids. I hyped it up saying it was super cool and they've got a pool. Oops, she realised as soon as it started it was like sitting in an assembly and she was not going for a swim afterall! Sorry darling, but it was nice to snuggle you when you fell asleep on me! 

Watching Faithy do Wing Chun on a night that I had to take her up cause Joe was away

Chillin' outside the hip hop class

Before braces



After After :(

Sprints practise at the field at the end of our street

Bonfire and Fireworks at the Stones. Such a fun night for everyone. Annual event I reckon

West Harbour Chat n Chew

Family Hour lesson about filling our lamps with oil

The Stones at their necklace stall for the Kindy Market

Sister's Day at  Waiheke....1st of many annual trips I hope

Dally with her racing hairstyle for Year 0/1 Athletics Day

My final māori class which was a potluck dinner with all of our families

Babysitting at the Stones 

Our fun as weekend trip up to Gloria's

The girls 'bedroom' in her wardrobe

I told the kids to keep their clothes folded in their bags!

Seffy had to explain his bad behaviour to Grandie before he was allowed an ice-block. His apology didn't go very well so I think it took about 2 hours until he was allowed one

That's the face of a very very stuffed full little man

Date night at the Pak n Save in Whangarei. We tipped the seats back and chatted for about 20 minutes cause we were tired and couldn't be bothered walking inside to get a drink (we wanted a tank juice but that was closed). As it turns out, we talked right up till 8pm and it closed as we were getting out of the car to go in!

This sleepy dog on Sunday morning didn't get up, even though the whole household was up and about

Oh no, someone had beef again!

Harriet the Horse for Mr Moore who's girlfriend is Harriet and loves horses!

Introducing St Pierre and Koro Gilbert...our $5 bargains from Paihia Countdown

Homework on the couch outside hiphop

Faithy so seriously completed the last requirements for completing Faith in was the section about 'preparing for Young Womens'. Now she's all done and she'll get her certificate on the last sunday of the year

A bell ringer during school interviews....a pretty cool job I reckon. She had to stay late with her mate, with afternoon tea provided, and ring the bell every 15 minutes from 3pm to 6pm

A special necklace for my honeybee girl...she's definitely the bees knees!

At a whānau history hui with Uncle Owen

Grandie in front of a woven taniwha connected to our Ngati Pikiao story

Games at the ward christmas party

Boom, Done!

School's basically over, well, only 8 days to go. And we've got prizegivings, concerts and camps coming up until we hit Christmas.

Good times x