Thursday 23 September 2021

Here-turi-kōkā - 2021

Half free, half lockdown. All fun. All good!

Grandie teaching 3 of his mokos during primary time at West Harbour Ward.

The bold note I had to put on my cool noticeboard at church. What possesses people to move things around I'll never know!

Isn't it the best when you get around to a job that's been on your list of things to do for about 4 years!


Aftermath of 3 children at the mud run

Aftermath of a 9 year old boy doing his first mud run

Dally's first basketball game

I'm not sure what happened here but it was pretty confronting to see her in the backseat like this

Doing my first vaccination

The first of yearly podiatry appointments? I came away with floaty feet from this

Doing my part

An awesome ward initiative by Sister Christie

Anticipating a lockdown shop

Dally's fabulous teacher delivered these goodies to keep us going

The start of many many lounge rearrangements

The shed base officially underway

So pleased I got the machine repaired but bummed we don't have any fabric

Boys night

My best ever eclairs. Might make them again tonight!

Enjoying the last days of a very very well loved but broken tramp. 
But Dad has now propped it back up and it lives to see another day

The first of 3 or 4 nights in a freezing cold but fun shed sleep out

Skateboarding lessons at the carpark at the end of our street. Faith's a pro!

Why is the garage like this 95% of the time?!!?!

Bobby's sense of humour for her sister

Our beautiful 13 year old

Prepping for a birthday cheeseball

Stake conference at home

It's now September 24th and lockdown continues....for another week and a half I think. Home school isn't easy but the sleep ins are!