Monday 29 November 2021

Whinga-ā-nuku - 2021

Still in Lockdown. Level 3

School at home

Church at home

Starting to see cuzzies outside only

She won a prize for her form zoom the week before so her Dean dropped off some goodies with her kids

Dropping off goodies for some ladies in our ward before general conference.

A poster that shows places we love to go. We had to do this as part of our 'CONNECT 4' activity for church

A book about us that we also made for the CONNECT 4 activity

And when we got home from our drop offs, there was something on the doorstep from the YW leaders for Faith!

My Sunday arvo sleepy bud

Spa a la Dally. I'm not sure whose idea it was to make a grey bathbomb

He finally made the money he needed to open this monty

Faith getting her second fax at the Universal Drive Chapel

General Conference lunch

Chicken with cream cheese, spinach and mushrooms to die for

We had an FHE lesson about how satan has minions doing his dirty work, so we all drew what we thought they would look like. I think this is Ella's






Drawing cards for their teachers in the car for 2 hours

Bobby's fun games night. Horse shoe and crawl around blindfolded and try to find the metal pegs

Seth and Dad's tennis set up

Spit done and ready to send off to find out about our blood make up

Finally!!! 2 months after the scheduled de-banding

Seffy's boys room set up

Sparkly, white, straight, smiley....she's 1 happy girl

New tramp after a while of needing a new one

Why the need to set up a bed on a brand new tramp?

Faith had to make a wind chime for English. Not sure why for English but anyhow, I'm glad Dad was there to step in and make such a cool one with her

Despite our best efforts and intentions we always end up back here every month or so 

Getting ready for home sacrament and this appeared in the lounge. Mastermind: Seth

Bobby's first time making Reese's slice

Faith had to make a kite for something? PE? Technology?

Part of Faith's super time consuming work about Medieval England

Our first experience with Hello Fresh thanks to the Stones. What a great one to start on....

polished off perfectly!

Donating plasma, thinking I'd be able to do it every 2 or 3 weeks. But of course my good old iron levels are too low so I'll have to do a transfusion instead. Dumb!

Flippin' delicious. Hello Fresh dinners from now on