Sunday 27 February 2022

Kohitatea - 2022

2022 has arrived and with it hope of brighter days ahead!

Magician Aunty B

Back to church at home again

Dally's finally got curly hair, of sorts

Learning the Books of the Old Testament for the Come, Follow Me learning this year

Faith's signature cake, no one bakes it better...and it's divine with my icing

Gross but the kids loved the dog roll Grandie gave us

Girly cousin crafty time

Mum 'n Dad chillin' at Parnell pools while the kiddies swam for a few hours

Faith and Ella were both assigned one lesson each during the holidays and Faith took it so seriously. She did a wonderful job teaching about the creation

Mum and Dad's date night in the city at Commercial Bay....

And Newmarket

Dally doing an interview with Grandad Sonny

Summer Squash lessons

Everyone in the family except me sleeps with their knees up like this

Faith doing her part time job....Dad's work washing

A date with these beauties in the city for the filming of a new reality show called 60 seconds....and lunch of course

Kids vax sesh...and they each got a $50 voucher for doing it!

Faith's first official tithing moment

Spending/wasting their money

2nd Annual Anniversary Weekend trip to Waiheke

Home church again while Dad was at the chapel

Hakihea - 2021

Feels like a lifetime ago, but this is December

A gathering at the park for the end of my Maori class

Best teacher ever.....she gave us our own gift box with yummy, thoughtful goodies.

Our first takeaways since before the lockdown. Gosh it was good

This Bobbit well earnt a new skateboard after doing her speech in front of the class and then in front of the finalists + school leadership. Talk about a huge accomplishment, she did soooo well!

At the end of the year school was staggered and each year level had a day off, Ella's was Friday and Faith didn't go back at all so for 2 Fridays in a row they trained in to the Henderson Mall

My very own personal chef

Who sits down on the job cause it takes so long

Happy to have garlic anytime, anyhow

A blast from the past, Grandma Julie's Apricot and cream cheese muffins

The rolled ankle that turned into quite a big deal

Bobby getting her hard earned Bronze and silver honours badges

My 2 minute poem that actually turned out to be quite good

Dally's self portrait

Bobby sweeping up awards at the Celebration of Excellence....Summerland Spirit and Sportsmanship

A group of Year 6 mates giving a leaving gift to Summerland, metal birds for the trees

After never ever wanting to speak in front of an audience, she did the introduction to both senior and junior Maori no less!!!!

Dad's hang out spot at Northwest

It was pretty easy to twist Mum and Dad's arm for a special end of year dinner

Blowing the mini Stoney's minds by taking them round the block in Big Whitey

Ella's face when I show her our old van that I learned to drive in. There was no convincing her that it was the best van around at the time....RUDE!

Thank goodness for Uncle Pete shooting us through quickly so we were in and out in record time

Official last day at Primary School for this ol' girl

Crafting our 12 days of Christmas bunting & activities

Ella's special message to Grandie before his knee surgery

Prepping for our 2010 babies primary graduation (Photos of the actual day are on Dad's phone so I'll have to get them some other time)

Food gathered by the YM in our ward to give to families in need

Heading to Hamilton for our Heke Family Christmas

Dad's 41st birthday lunch at Paasha

Yummy!!!! Our Christmas lunch, none of the guests we invited came over so it was just us and we loved it

2nd Annual cousin sleepover in the tent for New Years.

2021 done.