Monday 8 February 2016

End of Jan 2016

New Fav dinner....Kumara Chips. Once a week here. Would be more if they weren't so expensive 
An example of our new healthier lunchboxes....not that we used to have terrible ones, and not that this is the leanest lunchbox you'd ever find, but I'm trying to think of some healthier choices. Ella's fav last week was 2 chicken strips cooked in soy sauce and honey and Faith was 4 Chicken + Vege Dumplings

Staff Team Building at Sachie's Kitchen...everyone was in Heaven...I was pretty much in H- - -. Nah, not that bad, but I don't know if I'll ever eat prawns. But I did learn some cool skills and a couple of new dinner ideas.

Pretty excited about the water day at Kindy I'd say!
A sweet family day at Mairangi Bay, such a laid back day with the big girls and a few super cool families

We found a new playground about 10 minutes away last weekend...been back twice already

YW present for our girl's birthdays this year.....thank goodness for internet shopping from China

Our second trip to Mairangi Bay with the whole fam this time and Leones and Willoughbys. Awesome Auckland Anniversary Day

Practising my new skills at home, prawns 'n all.

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