Tuesday 24 May 2016

Home Learning Projects so far

Here's a few pics from Ella's home learning book. She's supposed to do 5 projects in a year and she's already done 6 and it's not even halfway through Term 2!!!!!
Lucky her she's got a Mum who loves projects!!!

Monday 16 May 2016

2nd week of holidays

Now that it's Week 3 it seems like the holidays are a distant memory...such good times.

Making a huge family tree for her home learning project

Another holiday home learning project, one day I'll figure out how to put it on the blog....an amazing slideshow about Killer Whales

I think this was my 28th time!

Such a great date night with my 2 big girls at the Living Legends show

It cracked me up when we walked away from taking this pic with Faith and one of the dancers cause she goes 'that's so cool Mum cause that's the one I had my eye on for the whole show!!!!!'

An impromptu trip down to Waingaro on the last saturday of the hols.

This boy is so flippn' crazy around water, it's seriously scary. He would just run down to the deep end (1.8m) and just jump in. The lifeguard even jumped in one time because he didn't know that Joe was there with him. I've contacted Westwave to organise some lessons for him so at least he develops some swimming skills

Superhero day at school for 'May the 4th be with you'. This is how I find her every afternoon when I come out of my room to leave....everything from her bag scattered everywhere so it takes about 10 minutes for her to stuff it back in and get to the car....soooo annoying!

Faith's new afternoon tea posie

1st half of May 2016

It feels very weird doing my blog on a random Tuesday during the school term, but here I am. I had a little surgery yesterday so today and tomorrow are for convalescing which is soooo lovely. Glad I don't have to rush back while I'm a bit sore and uncomfortable. So what a great opportunity to set myself up in bed and catch up on what's been happening for the last few weeks.

Choosing time at the end of the week

Saturday arvo open up the sports shed and run around

I have a feeling this girl is gonna get real good at softball. She got it out and asked me to pitch to her. Out of about 30 balls she probably hit 5. Then we did it again the next week and she hit about 10. Was cool that we've just learnt about how Heber J Grant wanted to get better at baseball pitching so he practise and practised for hours throwing the ball until he got super duper good at it. As soon as she started she said she was going to be like Heber J Grant and practise something until she became the master!

Ella either goes to sleep near naked or with about 5 layers of clothes and socks on. No in between for this girl!

Ready for Cross country! So flippn' proud of my girls

Faith's obviously wanting to challenge Spence for the sweatiest play face!

Yay Mum said we can choose something that starts with $2..... usually it's got to be something that's $1 something max

A scrumptious little snuggle with a staff member's baby. Loved it, but no I don't want to have another baby

Time to take a HUGE load of crap to the dump in preparation for concreting at home in 3 weeks. Gosh, how has all of that been lying around our property, mind you a lot of the load was wood from the foundation of the old doll's house

We all fit into the work truck!!! We followed Joe down to the dump and just before the entrance I parked my car and we all got into the truck

So fascinating to be here. One guy that worked there saw all the kids in the truck and came up to me with a little plastic bag with the mangiest, dustiest, dirtiest soft toys you've ever seen and was offering it to us.....'no thanks' (I'm already dropping off crap from my own house, I don't need to take home flea infested raggy toys!)

I wanna go back there for a school trip to learn about all of this recycling
 Because I had to be at the hospital yesterday at 12noon I had the morning to take all the kids to daycare and school. It's always a rush to get down to Stars and then back to school at 7:30 every morning so yesterday with a bit of time up my sleeve we did it back to front and I took the little ones up to school to have a play before the bell

Sorry Ella, not gonna happen....but great writing!

Phew! She said I had to do a pregnancy test beforehand. Thank goodness that went well!

A little nervous

Oh my goodness, starving at 5:30 when I came out of my snoozy slumber

Private hospitals...yeeyah!!!!