Monday 16 May 2016

2nd week of holidays

Now that it's Week 3 it seems like the holidays are a distant memory...such good times.

Making a huge family tree for her home learning project

Another holiday home learning project, one day I'll figure out how to put it on the amazing slideshow about Killer Whales

I think this was my 28th time!

Such a great date night with my 2 big girls at the Living Legends show

It cracked me up when we walked away from taking this pic with Faith and one of the dancers cause she goes 'that's so cool Mum cause that's the one I had my eye on for the whole show!!!!!'

An impromptu trip down to Waingaro on the last saturday of the hols.

This boy is so flippn' crazy around water, it's seriously scary. He would just run down to the deep end (1.8m) and just jump in. The lifeguard even jumped in one time because he didn't know that Joe was there with him. I've contacted Westwave to organise some lessons for him so at least he develops some swimming skills

Superhero day at school for 'May the 4th be with you'. This is how I find her every afternoon when I come out of my room to leave....everything from her bag scattered everywhere so it takes about 10 minutes for her to stuff it back in and get to the car....soooo annoying!

Faith's new afternoon tea posie


  1. Oh man Julie would hard out join Faith for that pozzie. The rare time I put her on the bonnet while I get my keys or something it's like all her dreams have come true. That's the one she had her eye on for the whole show??! hahahahahaha. Man I tried to stand next to Pete while he donated last time and they told me I wasn't allowed. Too strict over here. Wish we were Kmart loitering and 'ride on' surfing with you guys!

  2. Cool that Seffy's starting swimming lessons. Man he'll be in heaven with that. He's such a little fish that boy aye :) Love all those photos of the cuzzies all together just hanging in the holidays. So cool that they're all so close xx cute that Pod had had her eye on that guy the whole night. Hopefully she's not gonna be super boy crazy like i was - think that'll probably be Ella though aye ;)
