Wednesday 20 July 2016

Site works in progress.....

Oh my goodness, sometimes it hard to tell how a place has changed over time when you see it every day, and our house is definitely a good example of that.

We're coming up 5 years here, and although it's not a show home or anything fancy at all, we've done quite a bit to it.

-front gate
-new carpet
-interior paint
-deck cover

Next on the list was  concreting works/landscaping....and by concreting works I mean new footpaths, taking out garden, building a new garden, getting rid of trees.

I kind of thought that because I've married a shotcrete extraordinaire that this would be a piece of cake, and the concreting itself will be, but my goodness the prep work is dragging on. I think we've been chipping away at it on and off for about 6 weeks now and this morning when I walked out the door I was pretty much of two minds...'yay, I can see the light at the end of the construction tunnel' and 'oh my goodness, there's still so much to do, this is a disaster!'.

Here's some pics to show what I'm on about....

Real estate listing pics of the outside (about August 2011)

Some pics from when the deck was being covered by Joe the Builder and his apprentice Big Red in April 2014

Pics of the gardens that I've had going over the past few years, so on again off again.

The transformation begins....
I took these pics on the day I first started to move some pavers from the back to the front.

Thanks for the cheeky butt shot Dalls

This guy was kept run off his feel trying to get all the worms we were uncovering. He was so chuffed that his truck was filling up and he was really miffed when he went back a while later and they'd all gone. He was convinced someone had stolen them, totally didn't buy our explanation that the worms like to be in the mud and grass, not on a yellow, plastic truck 

My effort for one day...moving about 20 pavers...the big ones were really heavy!

Getting rid of crap day. So cool to have a truck to load it all on to

We decided to build a raised garden down the side of the property for two reasons. 1. cause I'm losing 2 other garden spaces and still want to have somewhere to plant veges (bonus that it's raised so I don't have to kneel down to weed anymore!) 2. cause we had so much soil that we needed to dump from digging up areas for concrete so this was a great place to dump it all rather than paying for another skip.

They weren't overly big trees but we couldn't get rid of these stumps without some stump busting. The price of that combined with the fact that pretty much all of our fences are leaning due to tree branches and roots means I'll probably never plant a tree in my life!

These 2 had a great axe cutting tutorial together one afternoon. Was so cute to hear them spending quality time together

Lucky for that headlamp some times. He's probably done about 5 late nights where he can only keep going because of that little thing

And here we are today!!!!!!!
The skip has been picked up, another one is coming. Maybe the first of 2 concrete pours will happen in about a fortnight...I'm hopeful!

Completion pics to come...hopefully sooner rather than later!

And btw, next on the list after this is finally over is exterior paint but I better not start talking about that to my amazing hubby just yet.

Monday 18 July 2016

Seth's 4

How on earth did this sweet baby boy just turn 4? I'm in denial that he's not my sweet, sleepy compliant baby anymore. He's more like a cheeky, determined, silly, phone/movie obsessed pre-school boy. Lucky that's just as cool if not cooler than the cruisy baby. And thank goodness you're cool aye son cause that's all you worry about these days....'Mum do I look cool in these shoes?, Mum is this tie cool?'

Here's 4 things I love about this little guy (or sometimes 'big guy' as I call him)

1. He loves to do funny things that make people laugh...and when he does his eyes smile so hard that he probably can't see a thing. And lately that's combined with putting his hands in the air like he's shooting 2 guns and making a clicking sound with his mouth like 'yip, that's funny aye!)

2. Seffy is a movie buff almost like none other (Faith could give him a run for his money of course), but my goodness, this kid could sit and enjoy a movie from start to finish, and then start another one straight away

3. He loves his Dad and I sooooo much and we're often on the receiving end (very gratefully) of huge hugs and hugga muggas?!?!!? while he proclaims 'you're the best Mum/Dad in the whole word. I'm not sure how sincere that is cause it's usually before or after being given something he really wanted but I'll take it!

4. He loves music and dancing and he's pretty darn talented at both. I'm thinking he'll definitely have some skills to watch out for when he joins youth and young adults....Go son!!!!

Love you to the moon and back baby. And remember that no matter how big and strong you get, you'll always be my baby, my little Sunny Man xxx

P.S I'm already pretty much dying about the fact that I'm going to send this guy to school next year. What the heck?!?!?!!?