Monday 18 July 2016

Seth's 4

How on earth did this sweet baby boy just turn 4? I'm in denial that he's not my sweet, sleepy compliant baby anymore. He's more like a cheeky, determined, silly, phone/movie obsessed pre-school boy. Lucky that's just as cool if not cooler than the cruisy baby. And thank goodness you're cool aye son cause that's all you worry about these days....'Mum do I look cool in these shoes?, Mum is this tie cool?'

Here's 4 things I love about this little guy (or sometimes 'big guy' as I call him)

1. He loves to do funny things that make people laugh...and when he does his eyes smile so hard that he probably can't see a thing. And lately that's combined with putting his hands in the air like he's shooting 2 guns and making a clicking sound with his mouth like 'yip, that's funny aye!)

2. Seffy is a movie buff almost like none other (Faith could give him a run for his money of course), but my goodness, this kid could sit and enjoy a movie from start to finish, and then start another one straight away

3. He loves his Dad and I sooooo much and we're often on the receiving end (very gratefully) of huge hugs and hugga muggas?!?!!? while he proclaims 'you're the best Mum/Dad in the whole word. I'm not sure how sincere that is cause it's usually before or after being given something he really wanted but I'll take it!

4. He loves music and dancing and he's pretty darn talented at both. I'm thinking he'll definitely have some skills to watch out for when he joins youth and young adults....Go son!!!!

Love you to the moon and back baby. And remember that no matter how big and strong you get, you'll always be my baby, my little Sunny Man xxx

P.S I'm already pretty much dying about the fact that I'm going to send this guy to school next year. What the heck?!?!?!!?


  1. Crazy alright. He was born just before we came to live in NZ and now he's staying school next year?! No way

  2. Love that cheeky smile that makes his eyes squint so much he probably can't see a thing lol. And that's so super cool he's got his dance moves ready for youth & ysas!! he'll have so much more fun than his mum & aunties ever did then haha
