Saturday 18 June 2016

June 2106

Dalls made up this activity all by herself, what a clever little cookie!

The experienced Kiwi Battler with his rookie

The Saturday afternoon conk out cause I don't put her down for a nap anymore. This came after about 1/2 an hour of walking round the house crying at 3pm-ish :(

When she woke up she was really grumpy but I was making dinner so I asked Ella to look after her. Big sissy scooped her up and put a blanket over them and she fell back to sleep!!!

Like mother like daughters

Step 1 of a big transformation...more pics to come. I'll do a before and after day

A surprise visit to Tan while we had a teacher only day in Hamilton and had a lecture about 20 steps from her office!

I saw this little year 1 girl at morning tea while I was on duty and challenged her to write a whole page when she went back to her class to do writing. So cool that her lovely teacher let her come down to my room in the middle of the block to show me

Groceries and a voucher for a family in need

One of the most loved dresses ever. I bought it for Faith's 7th birthday but Ella was so obsessed with it that she assumed it as hers about 6 months ago. Ever since then she's wanted to wear it every sunday. I said no and said it can't be worn every week, it has to be every 2nd at the most. Now it's secretly gone to dress heaven cause she loved it so much that it went a shade of grubby that I couldn't wash out

Ward Conference Dance

Dall's watching one of the floorshows

This big boy asked to go for a sleep before church the other day. I thought it was a ploy to play in his room when he should've been in the lounge, cause Dalls was having a sleep in her room before church but it turns out he was deadly serious. An hour later I could hardly wake him to get into the car and speed down to the chapel for sacrament.

First time I've ever cooked a Boil Up. There's lots of lamb chops at the bottom. Smelt nice and Joe said it was yum but I wasn't game enough to try

While Mum's on Skype, Seth eats chunks of butter!

The principal said one of the families that received the food baskets was so thankful that they insisted on opening the mini M & Ms and giving one back to each of the girls :)

Sugary, Creamy goodness to make YW planning a whole lot easier and yummier

I wonder when he'll stop sleeping with a million toys, a sleeping bag and about 3 blankets

1st ever Subway order...yeeyah!

A special Values Postcard for donating the food basket to a family at school. What a lovely surprise
in the mail.

The new Friday regular? Maybe once a term staff breakfast

1 comment:

  1. Cool activity Dalls! Oh man i cant wait til Ella has her own kids 😍 And cant wait to see whats happening in the garden??? That dress 😂 Oh man it actually pains me to think of those lamb chops sitting in that water when they could be roasting in the oven 😔 Haha
