Saturday 18 June 2016

Ella's 6th birthday parties!!!

Beautiful birthday morning wakeup

Daddy Daughter Breakfast at school

Whaea Heke got to sneak in too

Super healthy, nutritious birthday lunch from the teacher's fatbox in the supply cupboard

Wondering why on earth I got her out of her classroom just before the bell to watch TV in the staffroom

Oh, now I get it....I'm on TV! I'll get around to putting up the clip one day

Classroom venue

2010 girly cuzzy outing

And a few days before or after her birthday (can't remember what it was),  the Summerland Aces got to meet a Silver Fern. Pretty exciting night at the courts that week.

So this girl is 6!
Can't believe it but she is, and here's a few of the things I love about her.....

1. She's the sportiest, fastest, most naturally talented athlete I know (and I love watching her 'mongrel' on the netball court each week)

2. Ella's writing book at school is hilarious. Whenever I read it, which isn't very often, I crack up at the things she's written, like wanting cats, and gold at the end of the rainbow. She on Blue for reading now and she's pretty driven to boost through the rocket, although she pretty much fibs about not having readers every afternoon!

3. She's the best big sister I know. Every night she sits in Dallin's cot and reads her books. She told me last week she'd rather try and read her own books cause she can read now but she'll keep reading to Dallin cause she knows she loves it.

4. She still loves to watch make up tutorials and is all into hair, makeup, nails, fashion, music (her singing is so good!) I love her creativity and eye for detail.

5. This girl is sensitive. If she hears about someone that's hurt or lonely, or if someone has died, she really feels for them and wants to do things to help them feel better.

6. Ella Bella has a shy, curl up and cuddle Mummy side which is so endearing (and occasionally frustrating cause she is more than capable of so much). When she finds something overwhelming or intimidating, I can feel her heartbeat through her arm and she snuggles in for Mummy to protect her. This is for things like talking in primary, saying a prayer in front of other people. She's learning to 'beat the butterflies' as we say and do these things even though she's super proud of her!

Happy birthday my Sweet Ella D xxx

1 comment:

  1. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I have no words so ill just leave it at that.
