Wednesday 21 March 2018

Seffy Sunny Man

This boy!!!! He does my head in at the moment....for all the right AND all the wrong reasons!

Up until this week, we've had children at school for 5 years and never been called by the principal. Thanks a lot Seth! Next time someone pinches you on the neck, don't fight back, just get an adult to help you :(

I don't recall the girls being so excited by losing teeth and having wigglies. Too bad the fairy around these ways is absolutely hopeless!

This boy is the best at coming home and telling me things he's done during the day.....this one was a hard one to describe but I finally understood what he was trying to say when I saw this pic on Seesaw

At the Daddy Joe barber shop

Another Seesaw gem. This kid loves his Friday afternoon pod minute to win it games

Spending time with Great Grandie

3x Cromwells

When he cut his finger last week (thanks to new craft knife blades coming out while I was at YW), there was way too much blood for him to stay at school when his Daddy bandage fell off. So off to Jump we went!

I taught in Faith's room last week so it meant I was at his pod minute to win it.....I think this cheesy grin shows how much he loves it

How long and bushy is this kids hair ?!?!?!!?
Doing his household job.....taking out the compost every afternoon

And the other part of his 'waste management boss' job.....taking out the recycling.

As much as I want this boy to grow up and mature into a bit of sensibility overnight, I just love how fun and energetic he is. Between smiling, running, throwing fits over not getting what he wants, climbing, turning on the hose, trying so hard to write....there's never a dull moment when he's awake.

And one last pic of something he just did for a home learning project. I think I'm gonna die with how cute his sounding out is!

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