Monday 25 June 2018

Fajita Chicken Bake

I made this for the first time last week and everyone said it was a keeper, including me. But I would make it different next time cause I didn't realise I don't love the smokey flavour of fajita seasoning.


4 Chicken breasts
2 capsicums
1 onion
Slice all of the above and sprinkle with seasoning. I'd probably use the taco flavour next time. I think the chicken could be switched out for mince too. You could really chop and change with any of those ingredients I think

Bake in oven tray until all cooked

Line 9x13 inch baking dish with tortillas. I should have taken a pic of this!
2 on each side so they meet in the middle and rise up over the sides, then one at each end.

Layer with grated cheese, 1/2 chicken mixture, then corn chips, 1/2 chicken mixture + grated cheese again on the top. 

Fold over the top parts of the tortillas and then put 2 flat on the middle. The side ones don't quite meet in the middle. Put a dish (I used my white ceramic one) on the top just so it stays flat and doesn't puff up into a funny shape

Bake for about 30 mins

When you take it out, it lifts out of the baking dish as a whole slice, then you just cut it up and serve as pieces. If you eat it quickly you'd need knife and fork cause it's too hot to touch. If you leave it 10 or so minutes, you can pick it up like a pizza and it all stays in place.

There was a special recipe for the dipping sauce/stuff but I wouldn't make that again. It was sour cream + mayonnaise + honey + lemon juice + fajita seasoning.

I'd just put some sour cream on the plate!

I was kind of anticipating that the kids would pick out the capsicums and onions or maybe even not bother eating it but they all (except Ella!) ate it without saying anything. 
Seth absolutely loved it!

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