Wednesday 30 January 2019

End of 2018

Here's a hotch potch of stuff that happened at the end of stand out things.

I jumped on their recent interest in lego cause now that we've got 2 ipads I don't want them to be the only thing we do around here

Every flippin' day my son's shoes are the only ones left behind at this classroom door ...out of about 46 kids

Term 4 disco

Seems like a lifetime ago we had Uncle Mahonri with us :(

This little puppy doesn't often beg for stuff at the shops, in fact her and I hardly went shopping last year even though we had a lot of time together. This day her eyes lit up when she saw the stand of TY soft toys. She says 'Mum can I have one?' but before I had a chance to say anything she proceeded to say 'don't worry if you say no because that's ok, I can still like them at the shop aye?' Way to do some reverse psychology on me Dalls! Needless to day, Baby Asia became part of our family that day.

What I wouldn't do for a big slice of this right now! Stanie and Mac's baking afternoons are something to be around for

Faithy was one of 3 Year 5 girls who were asked to be helpers at the Year 6 Grad dinner. Beautiful girls right there!

Give me strength...I HATE it when they do that

Of course he jumped up to find some rubbish that teachers has put in the skip NO SON!!!

Ella's special picture and personalised story that she came home with from Miss Britty's class. Sooo special

Gosh this was a winner. Faithy made an apple and plum crumble. Tops pudding my girl

Our braces journey begins.....

Smile Charlie. It's not a very hard job really

This was supposed to be Dally's last day at kindy but of course I couldn't tear her away from the zoo on the tramp

Seth learns to crack eggs

Daddy's 38th birthday 'cake' Despite our best efforts of tickling and squeezing, this girl couldn't be woken to join in with the festivities

Sunday 13 January 2019

End of Stars, Start of Summerland

The day we went to fill in paperwork and stay for a little play (in early October I think). 
It felt like home straight away.

Can't remember if I posted this before but my baby has learnt to do her own pony tail....after lots of attempts and frustrated tears

The first day of Summerland Kindy walking crew

Made a bestie straight away....unfortunately Lauren only had about 2 weeks left at kindy before starting school. The first day without her the Kindy teachers called me and said Dalls was complaining of being sick. I was at work and could have walked straight over to get her but they said she seemed pretty well but was just saying she was sick. We decided I'd go and check on her at lunch or they'd call me if they wanted me down there sooner.
Turns out she was just missing her friend and was feeling a big lonely :(

Joe did the last few drop offs at Stars Kindy so I didn't get any pics, but we loved that kindy. We were there for 6 years and 3 children so it's a big part of our lives really. Thankfully over 10.5 years of my mothering journey, we've had nothing but good experiences, wonderful experiences with our childcare choices.