Wednesday 27 February 2019

February (Hui-tanguru)

Here's a round up of Feb 2019. It's been darn hot and pretty busy with work, school and sports getting into full swing. Just how we like it, most of the time

Does anyone else find this much crap when they pull out their couches to vacuum under them or is it just me?!?!?!

1st morning of Road patrol for these 2 big Year 6 girls. I still remember them both at kindy!

Babysitting the Stone pigeon pair....too easy!

New school shoes a little early

Wish I had more pics of the transformation of our house but this is about all I got. No more ugly forest green and peeling white. 

Joe surprised us with tidying up the front garden too which was super duper exciting. I'll have to take some proper pics of the outside sometime soon

Seffy had been trying to earn a sushi date for weeks and finally got it when his teacher told me he'd had a fabulous start to the year. That'll do it son!

A sleepy Sunday when we missed church to snuggle on the couch

When Joe went to Hamilton for a job, the kids convinced me (wasn't hard) to have McDs for dinner. This guy scored his first Big Mac and to prove to me he really could handle it, he scoffed it down and the whole thing was gone in about 40 seconds!

Ranui Playgroup (aka scone morning tea)

'Mum I want to have a pool at our house'

Happy Valentines Day my Lovey darlings

My Valentines Lunch. The one I almost ate by myself cause my date was on the phone outside. Still can't believe he ordered a salad!

On the phone to his ol' mate Keithy

Gotta come and watch softball Beezy

Dalls just runs up to another Mum (the manager of her team/Mum of a boy in Ella's team) and begs for her to buy her hot chips at the little shop in the clubrooms. SHAME! The Mum said no and she kept asking

I love my calling!

Our new nephew/cuzzy Ryder. Such a doll and so incredibly teeny tiny. What a miracle!

Dinner is served kids. We don't do it often but when we do I flippin love it

My little Year 2 boy in a team of 6 Year 4/5 girls

Isn't everyone's row at church like this at the end of conference?

Pod n Grandie moment

Is that the cutest digger you've ever seen? Love kids drawings

Love when the kids do special art pieces. Seth was soooo proud of this one

Feeling really special that Julie wanted her to pop over to the kindy fence during lunchtime to say 'Hi' She's so good with little ones 

Wow, that was our month. Done. On to March and getting closer to our 5km run by the day, week and month. Better lace up and get running Faithy