Thursday 21 March 2019

Faith's Term 1 Date Day

Date days are now officially done. I loved them all even though Dad was grumpy about the idea but that doesn't matter. The kids and I had such a great time together and that's exactly what I wanted.
I wish I did it last year cause part of not working full time was so that I had more time with the kids and it is so incredibly rare to have one on one time with the kids

Kmart to buy 2 new dresses and a pair of jeans
I thought she might choose Burger Fuel for lunch which would have been yum but I forgot that she's my sconny girl. Fine by me darling!

It was a bit of a Mum fail to start this movie at 1:15. I thought it would be finished by the time we had to get the other kids from school and kindy. Oops. Had to do a last minute SOS to Miss Britty to pick up Dalls cause we didn't get out till 3:24pm!

Until next term I've now fulfilled all date day commitments. Phew! 3 weeks off the hook. Thanks for the day Bids. I love spending time with my big baby x

Seth's Term 1 Date Day

My little sunny man has been so eager to have his day with me (more for a day off school than time with me), but for so many reasons it hasn't been working out. On monday I finally said he could do it even though Dallin was at home and it was supposed to be a day with no one else.

Anyways, he had it made.....sleep in, device time, watch a movie with Dad in our bed (with lollies that he snuck out of the cupboard), sushi for lunch and an afternoon at the pools with Julie and Luke.

I think these smiley faces of Seffy show that he had a good day. I hope he did cause I loved him being the boss. Sometimes he's a hot-headed little clown and sometimes he's such a baby sweetheart. My sunny man, my baby boy x

Ella's Term 1 Date Day

Oops, I dropped the ball on taking photos when Bobby had her date day with me. We got to do 3 things that she, lunch out and then she snuck in an afternoon play and dinner at the Stones.

Aunty Nae's birthday lunch. Bobby got a massive big creamy, custardy donut that I didn't take a picture of :(

Aunty B felt a bit bad that this dinner wasn't very flash but it was pretty much a dream come true for my Lily Wayne Bobbit. Plain penne pasta, grated cheese and some tinned peaches. It would probably be a serious contender for favourite dinner, up against nachoes

So that was it. New slides (which have now sadly been lost), food and cousins. Ella is loving having little Julie and Luke just down the road, and I think they love being close to her too! One on one time with the kids is so rare in our household but my goodness is it worth more than gold. I loved my day with you sweetheart x