Thursday 21 March 2019

Faith's Term 1 Date Day

Date days are now officially done. I loved them all even though Dad was grumpy about the idea but that doesn't matter. The kids and I had such a great time together and that's exactly what I wanted.
I wish I did it last year cause part of not working full time was so that I had more time with the kids and it is so incredibly rare to have one on one time with the kids

Kmart to buy 2 new dresses and a pair of jeans
I thought she might choose Burger Fuel for lunch which would have been yum but I forgot that she's my sconny girl. Fine by me darling!

It was a bit of a Mum fail to start this movie at 1:15. I thought it would be finished by the time we had to get the other kids from school and kindy. Oops. Had to do a last minute SOS to Miss Britty to pick up Dalls cause we didn't get out till 3:24pm!

Until next term I've now fulfilled all date day commitments. Phew! 3 weeks off the hook. Thanks for the day Bids. I love spending time with my big baby x

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