Thursday 4 April 2019

March - Poutu te Rangi

Summerland Stars Touch Rugby Team. 'The girls + Seth'

Saturday arvo movies with Booly

Date night with other couples at the chapel + these 3 princesses

Delish dinner I crashed up at the Leones. Will have to invite myself over for dinner more often!

Hanging out while I did some last minute prep for my first māori lesson

Look who we chanced upon at Pak n Save. Probably weirder if we didn't see him since he goes there pretty much every day!

She's a big job. Probably over half way now thank goodness

Last minute walk around the neighbourhood to collect rubbish and appease disappointed kids when Faith in God was cancelled....a lot of pies get eaten in our neighbourhood!

Look who I saw when I had to go on the field and supervise cross country practise

Sethy's much talked about pirate story

Nice one Faith

Hockey was a winner for the kids which was cool after they all had a big tangi when I told them I'd signed them up

The Annual Wild West Food Festival at school

I got to see Seth's cross country cause I was working in a junior class that day, but I missed seeing my big girls. To say I was soooo proud of them all is an understatement

Ella's softball team breakup party at ice-skating. Seth is the skating winner....he ran (not skated) around the rink for almost 3 hours straight!

Next......Dalls' 5th birthday. Sooo happy and soooo sad about it

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