Thursday 4 April 2019

Dallin's 5th Birthday

Oh my goodness, my baby is 5 & I can't believe it. I'm equal parts happy and equal parts sad about it. She's at kindy for her last day today and on Monday I'll take her to school in her little blue uniform...The same one Faith and Ella wore when they started.
I remember 5 years ago when she was born so vividly. Time is a really funny thing. The days sure do go slow sometimes but my goodness the years go fast. What an emotional roller coaster for Mum! For Dally it's just all good!

Because she had a sneaky afternoon sleep on the day before her birthday, she came out for some Mum and Dad time while all the other kids were in bed

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That sleepy, wake up look x

With the birthday breakfast she's been eyeing up for the last couple of months. I don't think she likes it though cause yesterday and today I pretty much chucked all of hers out!

Dally's Graduation Ceremony at Kindy

So cool to have Luke (and Cat) here for the occasion

All the NZ cuzzies in the same place at the same time. Dad with his 4 daughters. How cool is that!

So many little specials......and her very own diarrhoea (diary!)

Clever Aunty B and big sissys made these beauties and they were sooooo good!

I love you soooooo much Dally...more than you know!

Here are 5 of the many reasons why....

1. You're fun to be around. You find joy in little things and it spreads to people around you

2. You talk to anyone, anywhere about anything. There are no boundaries or restrictions for you.

3. My Dally loves to learn and write and draw, and sing and dance. You don't hold back from doing what you wanna do. You give everything a good go and you can have a laugh if things go a bit pear shaped

4. You love to be with Mumma. You love doing special things and just normal every day things with me. Time together is the best! I love it when you chew my ear off

5. You are beautiful. Your smile can light up a room. You're equally comfortable in a pretty dress or tractor pants (haha!) or a sporty outfit. You just need to make sure it's not too skimpy these days aye darling!

So many more things I could say, but I need to rush off and get the kindy gift so I can come up and try not to cry through your last mat time :(

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