Thursday 2 May 2019

April - Paenga-whāwhā

Super sunny day but of course he's got to wear the new spiderman jacket from Spence

Bubby Ryder Kobe cubbing up nicely

Such a fun game for Family Hour...funny and good for making the kids brains tick as they thought of questions to figure out their person

We had a pretty full ideas brainstorm and only did a fraction of the activities. Parks, rock climbing and Hamilton

Oh take me back! A shared morning tea on the last day of Term 1

Touch Rugby Break up party at Parakai

General Conference set up

Post conf. treat

Seth's home learning project...making afghans...his favourite bikkies

FHE about appropriate clothing choices

Of course Dallin finds a lovely lady with lipstick in her handbag

Pre-park antics

Dentist with 6 rats and 3 ipads....too easy!

Another home learning project

Easter Show 2019

Seth finds an axe on the same day Grandie 'found' one

Off to make some cash money

The first of many puzzles maybe. I still can't believe that this has been on the TV cabinet with all of the kids around. For sooo many years I would never have dreamed this would be possible!

Easter treats while we watched a movie on a home day in the holidays

Dally's first little homework project. She took it so seriously and did an amazing job. I'll have to take a photo of the finished poster cause it's definitely a keeper

Seth reading out the easter story when we joined their egg hunt. I think he needed a reminder of what happened cause a few days earlier he'd told us Easter was when Christ was born

Just a little night time writing for Seth...that's as far as he got with his plan

The church kapa haka group before our performance at the celebrating humanity activity

Bishop gave this muppet a full king size bar of chocolate for her birthday!

For family hour we watched a general conference talk....I use 'watched' very loosely here

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