Tuesday 1 October 2019

September - Te Mahuru

As I got ready to download these pics I thought there wouldn't be many cause it kinda feels like nothing much has happened lately, but as it turns out, nothing much was quite a bit!

Father's Day 2019

Dad doing a spotlight on his Great Grandad for the family history of Family Hour

The day a big truck of snow/ice was dropped off onto the courts

These two...what a gorgeous connection they have

Whenever I make pizza bases I do 2 big trays with a mixture of toppings and inevitably there's 1 or 2 kids moaning over the toppings. This night I was determined to avoid the drama so I rolled it out as 4 individual pizzas that the kids got to top themselves. Duh, should've thought of that years ago!

Of course she's found a friend to do make up with after school

Rippa Rugby Prizegiving. 3rd year of being a Baby Buffalo for this little guy

The coy look of standing outside the bakery of a friend in your class. He was determined for us to make a special trip to Kelston to go to this bakery cause it's a family bakery of a girl in his class and he says she's always got 'yum as food!'

Rocket Ropes

My beautiful baking bud

Just documenting a mid-week date. Take me back!

Yes we went from Burger Fuel to BP to buy Krispy Kreme's and polished off the whole lot!

Our special tiki tour for Grandma Julie's birthday

Long Bay where Uncle Matt passed away at 4.9 years old

Sunset Road Chapel where Grandma Julie was baptised and where Uncle Matt's funeral was held

The first house Mum and Dad bought in Auckland

Outside the gym Grandma Julie used to go to 

Our Family home, the big kids remember it but the little ones never went there

RS cake decorating activity

Faith practising her speech the night before finals. The chapel was the perfect place to run through it a few times. 

Faithy's cool teacher, Mrs B did this amazing style of art with the kids

After the speech finals. Faithy didn't get 1st, 2nd or 3rd but we were so proud of her for getting picked as one of the top 7. She did amazingly well and I totally think she learnt a lot from the process of writing, practising and presenting.

Ella's my fenagerie girl and her little sister is my shrine girl. She's forever setting up special little areas of bits n bobs....even at bed time

I had an avocado for lunch and I knew I'd only use half of it so I found this kid n gave it to her to eat outside the staffroom.

Happy Family Anniversary! Thanks Dad, you really outdid yourself with this effort x

And this beauty tastes even better than it looks

Another day, another shrine

Sacrament - Primary Presentation 2019

Bob with her bestie Baylee. They sat together through the presentation and you would've never picked that Baylee was a friend from school who wasn't part of the ward primary. So cute!

Intro to new primary and youth programme

When Mum reminds you it's sunday and you shouldn't be on the trampoline, you pick up random pieces of rubbish from around the property and clean them

Or all go to different places to sketch 3 pictures so you can come back together and guess what everyone drew

Probably pretty self-explanatory. Faithy K got accepted for St Dominic's Catholic College!

My first job of school holidays complete. Thanks to my team of labourers...who are still reminding me that I owe them!

I forgot to take pictures of the finished gardens but that really look great. Between the gardens and my newly vacuumed car I'm feeling very clean, tidy and accomplished. A great start to the school holidays despite the dreary, grey weather

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