Tuesday 5 January 2021

December 2020 - Hakihea

Heading in to Christmas and some relaxing, sunny days

Dry packing YW activity
An awesome cuzzy day at Rainbow's End for Indie's 4th birthday

The beginnings of yet ANOTHER bead necklace project

The mountain of school stuff that comes home from 4 chidlren is quite something to behold. This was just a fraction of what I had to sort through

Faith and I did a water, banana, pringles drop off to Dad and Romeo at a job in Mt Eden

Fluffy boys special movie day. I think he was supposed to wear pjs and take one soft toy. Of course that meant take 5 toys and a blanket

Just casually walking around Albany mall

The end of a towel era. This lil beauty has been in the family since March 2010 and she finally got put out to pasture this month
Some of the lollies that were paid for by $20 that Dallin and Seth took off the pantry. To say Dad and I were disappointed and angry was an understatement!

Date night with my man and the 16/17 year old youth

A bit of light reading for this little reader

Faith looking a bit something when her letter from herself arrived. Mrs Brown gets the kids to write to themselves at the end of Year 6 and then she posts them out the following year

Our new/old fence looks amazing!

Having christmas lunch with Elder and Sister Poll. It was awesome to spend time with them and introduce them to a typica kiwi christmas lunch and pavlova

Another christmas day feast on boxing day

Bob n I rode down to the Warehouse on Lincoln Rd for her to buy a new dress she's been wanting for a while

2021 goal setting

Year done. It was good for us but unfortunately not for many.
Bring on 2021, a new start is always exciting!

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