Sunday 11 April 2021

Hui-tānguru 2021

Dad went away for work for a couple of nights so we surprised him by re-doing the front garden with veges

Bobby's very first road patrol shift. I can't believe she's in Year 6!

Our annual trip to Whangamata for the Bishop's weekend. What a dream!
Thanks Stone family for taking on our 4 babies

Dally's semi-healthy/yellow dinner

Seth learnt how to tie hair and went pretty hard for a few days

A very unwelcome surprise to come home to. Let's just say our kids don't cope well with change, they were devastated

Gospel Doctrine lesson prep

Ella's art from last year that I hadn't taken a pic of yet. She knew it wasn't a keeper cause it's far too big...well trained my girl!

A post valentines lovey card for my boy

Bank session

Cleaver and Co when ANOTHER lockdown was announed

Finally coming along Faithy

Summer rugby prizegiving

Dally's scripture story in rocks

Typical front door these days. Now I've bought baskets to try and relieve this

Faith's zoom YW activity....draw so cute birthday cards

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