Sunday 3 October 2021

Māhuru 2021

Level 4 changed to Level 3 a couple of weeks ago and we're still at home. Dad's at work but nothing's changed for us. Except that today's the first day of school holidays so hallelujah we don't have school work to do. Queen Sugar is the go!

Trying to work banana skin wonders on Dally's wart

Far too much of this!

Father's Day breakfast even though Daddy didn't want it

Dally's primary lesson online when she was dressed as a man in honour of Dad for Father's Day

2nd year of dressing like Dad on his special day

Pie, pasta and popcorn for lunch...with Banoffee Chocolate milk!

Ella's dream come true. Acceptance without an interview!

Thankfully we found the embroidery cotton so Bobby and Fids could get some good bracelet making in. Goodness knows we had time on our side!

Collecting natures goodies for her art challenge

Mousse making

Dad's Father's Day present arrived

Family photo books for days. 6 copies of each edition.
1 for us all to use now
1 for Dad and I to keep safe for later when our family copy is all tatty
1 copy for each of the kids to take with them when they leave home

Bunny Bundy's Bundy obsession

The start of Ella's digital design career?

She's done a few Friday nights in my bed while all the others do a movie marathon in the lounge

Family sacrament session

Sunday until it comes to the cleanup!

Faith prepping for YW drop offs

With Bobby helping

Bobby recreating a baby photo

Far too much of this during lockdown

A dream lunch

Faith working through a project over 2 weeks

A very unexpected pressies from the Leones

Does she love it or what?!?!?! YES!

Mousse round 2

3 presentations done. 1 left

Form class zoom sash. Dress up with a mask or hat.
She was one of the winners and her dean dropped off balloons, lollies and chocolate to our letterbox a few days later

Before the baldy, which I forgot to take a photo of

My budding botanist

Summerland lives forever for our family. 1 pillowcase down, 3 to go

I always thought our block was 800m, turns out it's spot on. Thanks for measuring it Bids

Vege lasagne with cream cheese that was raved about by everyone...except Bobs of course

My helper for the youth activity where we played 'Would I lie to you?' and dropped of talks and treats to the youth

A super proud moment when Dally's picture was published in the Friend magazine

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