Thursday 7 April 2022

Hui-tanguru 2022

Bobby started at St Dom's and we got Covid in March 2022!

Nervous but so excited and very ready

Bobby's such a good sharer...and by that I mean she chewed my ear off with every detail about her day...and I loved it!

First day back for Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

My master piece of the Encanto homestead for the wall of our bagbay

Dally's home sharing book....he wāhi motuhake (a special place).
She shared about the Newstead Cemetery

Our Come Follow Me learning this year is from the Old Testament so we learnt this song cause I was the only one in the family who knew it

Sunday arvo I think, it was obviously a tiring sacrament on zoom!

Caramel slice with caramilk on top

Our YW activity on this night was watching a movie called The Overcomer. It was a really great, feel good movie about a girl doing a cross country race. So afterwards we walked around our block together and I challenged all of the girls to train for a 1, 2 or 3 mile run in December

The night after the activity we did a 1 mile run cause Faith's classmates tricked her into thinking she had to do it for the athletics day (which was only 2 days later)

One of our family faves....schnitty and potato bake. I'm not sure where this guys veges are though

Girls date arvo (shopping for new church clothes)

Valentines Day surprise donuts in the kids bags

We now have Covid at this point so we ran along the front of the house for exercise. Annoying but couldn't give up the streak

A Stoney care package which was very well received

A Leone care package which was also a winner

A King care package which really hit the spot as well!

We did a few learning activities at home that the teachers set. The big girls really stung me with pretending to do work for a week but actually hardly doing anything so we had a huge catch up to do on the last 2 days of iso. Lucky Mummy's a miracle worker and we managed to suss everything

And a good ol' cheeseball to round off the month. It used to be a strictly christmas treat but since Faith asked for it for her 13th birthday it occurred to me that we can have it whenever we want....duh! Can't do it too often though cause it's dangerously peckish. Once a quarter seems about right :)

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