Tuesday 10 November 2015

Athletics Day 2015

What a cool day we had yesterday.....Summerland really knows how to do Athletics day for 650 kids very, very well. Pretty cool to be a teacher and a Mum on days like this.....especially when you get to sit on the bus with this beautiful girl. Pretty cool that out of 12 buses, we ended up on the same one! As I look at these pics I can't believe my kids are so grown up...and gorgeous!

Miss 5 year old girl sprinter right here, and she's got a pretty good vortex throwing arm too!

We had a great day together. That sadie face is because Ella wanted to come back on the bus with me and unfortunately it didn't work out like that. This Mumma doesn't do special treatment and let her sneak over to my bus. Sorry baby :(
And now we've ended up at home today because Faith's face started to swell up yesterday, too much sun and grass I think, even though she had sunscreen on. Her face was so puffy by about 7pm so I had to organise for my first reliever so I could be on Mum duties today. Funny to call her my little pufferfish, but not very funny when she started crying cause her chin and ears were so itchy she couldn't go to sleep, and her right eye started looking like she'd been punched in the face :( !
On the mend now thank goodness.


  1. Oh Faithy babe. I'm so glad you feel better today. Love you two special girlies xxx

  2. Poor Faithy babe after such a fun day!!! I forgot you guys go down to the stadium. So cool you get to teach at their school & be in on all the action with them x
