Sunday 1 November 2015

Halloween 2016

Prep for our game on Friday night. Was so over it before I even started so this was a real rush job. Thankfully the girls helped me paint the monster faces on the next morning.

Soooooooooo many lollies, it was insane!
 At a 5th birthday party earlier on in the afternoon.....

This girl loved the slide so I was gonna take a pic of it, but just as I told her to look at me, she slipped and boom!

The pied piper of the kids playtime. He had the 15 kids at the party all playing hide n seek while the adults sat inside eating and talking

And then we rushed home to get ready for the Trunk n Treat.....the first time Swanson Ward's ever done it and it was awesome!!!

So cool to have this little Mummy and his big skeleton brother there....and his Mum who kept stealing our lollies

Oh my goodness, this kid. By the end she was a sticky, drippy, sugary disaster. She actually was grabbing lollies from baskets and walking them straight to the rubbish bag to drop them in!

If there was a prize for best dressed family it would definitely have to go to Bishop and his girls!

While we were off having our Halloween fun, the grinch made sure our place was secure it took about 10 minutes for me to get back in when we arrived home.

The morning after. She woke up at about 6am which is a good 45 mins before Mum thought was acceptable, so I pulled out out of her cot and snuggled her up with me. By 8am I really needed to get really for church but she was having none of it. Can you believe we still got to the chapel at 8:45am!!!!
We never did Halloween growing up, but I'm liking it more and more as each year passes....just not the dracula, blood, dark side. And next year I'm going to give my kids a 5 treat quota for sure. I'd say they came home with 50 lollies each. The leftover lollies will be disposed of today....Halloween is over for another year. Ideas and plans are already swiriling for 2016!


  1. Cool, love all the pics!! The action one of Dalls on the slide was a cool shot but stink it came with a boom at the end :( Did she wanna go back on after that? Love what it says on Pods t-shirt about being the reason someone smiles today! That girly always makes me smile :) :) The oompaloompa family were cool who gave Pod that whole little bottle of natural confectionery lollies?!! Your guys trunk looked cool!!

  2. Oh man, awesome! haha good timing with the pics of Dalls on the slide. I'm still so chuffed that seffys wish came true of going as the hulk. Everyone needs a Jo at a function like that! haha Those wooden monster blocks are so cute
