Friday 16 September 2016

Dallin turned 2 (nearly 5 months ago!)

Here's 2 things I love about this girl

1. She is hilarious, like super duper funny and what makes it funnier is that even though she's only 2, she knows she's funny. She can crack into the biggest smiles and giggles ever, and thankfully she does it all the time

2. She 'needs' her Mummy and I love it! (most of the time). Gosh she's sneaky with the way she catches me when I'm really busy and goes 'Mummy I need you!!!!!!' She knows just what to say to make me drop whatever I'm doing and scoop her up, and of course she gets songs, kisses, squeezes, tickles and all with it

1 comment:

  1. Love this gorgeous little monkey! Wish she could stay 2 forever xx
