Friday 16 September 2016

Winter-ish 2016 for our Whanau

FHE refreshments a few months ago

Ward Mother's Day breakfast

Whirlwind trip to Wellington

Sleepy Dalls about half an hour before we left for church

'Mum take a picture of me, i'm helping!'

Chillin out for the afternoon with Hunter and Ava

Mid Winter Primary Activity

At Grandma Rose's 80th

Ella's FHE lesson that she borrowed from Aunty the end of her showing it to me, we realised she'd forgotten the most important part...the big tree!

Post Kindy Pet shop visit

I find these to like this far to often these days....trouble x2

Seth with his sissy's at his 4 year old immunisations

Going to Ice Age 6 with the big kids

Jiu Jitsu at Oliver MMA

100 days at school party

Dall's playing with my hair

Dinner before Ella's netball game

NZ Grappling Tournament

On the way home from the tournament, we drove past all the beautiful, expensive houses on Paratai Drive. The girls said lots of the houses were ugly and ours is way better!!!!

Ella liked the wooden ones

Pink? What were they thinking? 

Performing the cup song with Ella on Grandie's birthday 
Seffy hit the jackpot from Spency this day....was impossible to get him into bed without riffling through everything to check out all the 'cool' new stuff

In his super cool new outfit from Spence. He felt like a million bucks going to Kindy that day!

My duty bud

Naming all the baptism invitations before they started running around the school like mad things

Delicious dinner before a PD we had a couple of weeks ago. We're so spoiled for delicious food when we have work meetings

Practising her orange books while I work in my office every morning

Netball Team dinner at La Porchetta after the last game

Bed sharing has started. It's almost impossible to keep Dalls in her cot these days

Pre-church trying on Mum's shoes ...'they fit Mum, can I wear them?'
'Um, No!!!'

A very exciting package from the Chch Ormsbys

Wow, that was all over the place. Maybe I should just do seasonal updates at the rate I'm going!

1 comment:

  1. Love all these pics... Looks like it's been a great winter :) Bring on Spring!
