Wednesday 23 November 2016

Halloween/Jiu Jitsu/Primary Presentation

Tops dinner right there!

October General Conference....I won't put up the pic of Joseph sleeping through the 2nd hour!

Cultural Dress up day at kindy for these two little maori babies
Watching Dad do some concreting at Aeroview Chapel on a beaut Saturday

A bit of slave labour for Mac....I still owe ya 12 bucks bud :)

Dally Trolly Ninja Turtle Munchkin at the Ward Halloween Party

Seth's partner in crime from Kindy was there. Not sure what the connection to church was, but Seth was so excited.

Ella's amazing teacher let them have chicks......such a cool learning experience for them

The big girls finally got their first stripe at Jiu proud of themselves

The never-ending practises for the primary presentation finally ended and the kids all did such a good job
'Dressing modestly shows respect for Heavenly Father and myself'

'Feast upon the words of Christ......'

'Jesus Christ set the perfect example for me. I can follow his example by loving and serving others'

Just about to head to Athletics Day

'Mum, I've got a hairtye you can use'....after she saw that I'd take my semi-wet plaited hair out
Thanks darling

LOVE LOVE LOVE it when the kids play on the driveway together on these lovely summery evenings

Long may they last!

1 comment:

  1. So cool Ella has chicks in her class. Remember when we got to have my ones home for the weekend once? That dinner looks soooooooo good right now. It's almost dinner time & I'm sitting here wondering what I can come up with for tonight so that would go down a treat!
