Wednesday 23 November 2016

New Rooms

In the last holidays it was finally time, after 8 years of cots, to say goodbye. Pretty momentous!
And it was great timing cause all of the big kids were away so I got to do the transformation with Dallin and surprise the others when they got home the next day

Hot Dog 'n chippy picnic with this little cheeseball

And this is how the lounge ended up after I went to take pictures of the rooms. Dalls obviously likes to eat takeaways with no clothes on!

Seth's first night in his big bed....finally! And luckily he found his buddy Puerto Rico before he fell asleep. I've got no idea why he calls him that

....The next night. The novelty of the top bunk wore off quickly.

This is how we always have fish n chips now. It's actually sweet cause they stay out of my hair and watch TV while I eat at the table in peace and then I just have to put the towel in the wash

1 comment:

  1. Oh yum, man that chip dinner looks so good too. Should never read your posts when I'm hungry & got nothing for dinner momentous alright after 8 years of cots!! funny how seffy calls the little blood man Puerto Rico haha
