Friday 6 October 2017

Term 3, 2017

Some time in July-ish I got to do a quick run to the temple on my own. It meant an early as start but it was so worth it. The temple, donuts and a visit to Mum make for a pretty great saturday!

These 2 are inseparable! Even though they've got bunks and can totally have their own space, Dalls won't let her sissy go....I suppose 9 months of sleeping together on the mattresses formed a bit of dependency for the little one. And even though it bothers Bobby, she's really good about it.

Chillin' in the Ohana shop off to the side of my classroom

Have I mentioned before that I LOVE being at school with these critters. It's so cool to be on duty and just casually walk past your babies

1st subway boggle

These Stars have been together for 3 years now. Such a cool bunch

Heading off to Hamilton on the bus with Uncle Mahonri

Last rugby game of Season 1

Someone had the grand idea to take a container of frozen corn to the tramp?!?!?!

These 2 cool cats have been in a class together for a couple of years and I think they're so sweet together. Ezra reminds me of McKay so I had to take a pic

Little bumpkins had a cellophane parcel of shortbread from kindy and couldn't wait to give it to Dad for his Father's day treat. She ate it herself despite saying she would keep it safe for him

Sneaky date to Cafe Korero for a scone with this girl for her birthday

Heading to Stella's party

Mate I'd love some of this right now. A beautiful fast breaker dinner made by one of our YW counsellors. Perfect dinner in my opinion

FHE about our WORDS

Faithy's just started using Mum's (Grandma Ormsby's) gym bag as her school bag and the first morning she brought it out she bought me these bits and pieces from inside the front pocket. Love how she was so committed to the gym....I certainly don't take after her in that department!

I hit the jackpot one afternoon a few weeks ago cause I hadn't sorted dinner and just as I drove down towards Lincoln Road, I heard on the radio that they were giving away free sushi from the shop that I was right outside....and ZM's Jase and PJ were broadcasting from there at the time. Double win

We slowed down from the typical morning rush to take a quick pic

Cashing in Player of the Day certificates at Pita Pit. Faith was super chuffed with her choice of fillings cause she knows all about pitas. Seth on the other hand, he got ham, corn and BBQ sauce. Not so happy with his selection

Double trouble right there......Seth and his daycare cronie

A quick night out on our actual anniversary....Burger Burger in Ponsonby

Occasionally I have to take the kids to youth because Joe's not home from work yet. It's not usually a calm and enjoyable experience.
This night, Joe was home but I got sucked in to taking these 2 sad faced girls with me because they looked so upset on the driveway as I got in the car. 5 minutes after getting there I regretted my kindness!

Next post our anniversary trip to Melbourne. And I'm FINALLY getting on to a couple of new family movies too. Thank goodness for school holidays to get these jobbies done.

1 comment:

  1. Cool catch up. I hadn't heard of lits of those things so fun to read. Score on the free sushi for dins when you had nothing planned !
