Wednesday 9 August 2017

School Holidays on the GC

These pics have come through extremely mixed up but I honestly can't be bothered sorting them out. Way too hard basket I'm afraid

Can't believe it was only 3 weeks ago cause with the craziness of term 3 starting it seems like a distant, but very happy memory. We loved every minute of it.
So cool to chill out at Uncle Aaron's and Aunty Cassie's, spend our days with the Stones, have a fun sleepover with Uncle Carl and Aunty Brooke and a Maccas date with Uncle Ez, Aunty Ash and the kids. Full on, just the way we like it!

Not sure when we'll make it over next, but I reckon 2 times in a year is a pretty good effort.

Joe and I were just saying yesterday that our mid-year holiday next year might be to somewhere with snow....which doesn't overly excite me, but would blow the kids minds. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Exactly what i needed to look forward to during my hardest months 💜
