Wednesday 9 August 2017

Seth Cromwell starts school

I always say this, but seriously, I can't believe my son is 5!
I love having him at school even though he's being a little monkey and coming in to my classroom and hiding under my tables a fair bit.
He makes the best duty assistant ever!!!! Actually maybe he's too good, he actually wants people to hurt themselves so he can get a plaster out of his bag or take them to the school hospital (sick bay)

Grandie asked the other day if he's settled in well. My answer....'he's making a name for himself, that's for sure.....a silly name!'

It's crazy to sit down and do word cards and readers with him now. I'm pretty sure I love it more than he does but I'm pleasantly surprised at how good he's picking things up.

Go you my Seffy Boy!

1 comment:

  1. So cool Seppy. It would be my dream for Jules to join you at Summerland in 2 years time!
