Wednesday 9 August 2017

Term 2 (May-Early July)

A little bit muddled, but some pics of us from Term 2, 2017
Mother's Day 2017

Brother Paki's Headstone Unveiling

Watch out for this girl. She's got light fingers and a dodgy puffer jacket

The deal....if she went out with her hair au natural I'd buy her 2 things from Kmart. BIG DEAL!!!!

EARLY morning surprise trip to the airport for Ella's 7th Birthday weekend in Christchurch

We're blaming big brother for this terrible fringe hack

Pretending they're in court trying to sentence parents to jail for having too many rules.....mucking around at Uncle Jared's office

Don't let this girl into your board games cupboard!

Family Home Evening about the Word of Wisdom

Rushing through the airport to get our flight home....just before a notice came over the loud speaker to 'watch your children and don't let them play on the escalators'....directed straight at us...oops!

Ella's birthday sleepover in Mum's bed

Not sure what Mac called this pillow, but it is no longer :(
Seth did his best to save it for you Mac but unfortunately for you, I won!

School visits for lil bro

Faify's guitar competition

Seth's birthday cake...after his all time favourite dinner...Mac 'n Cheese (with Bacon too please Mum!)

Trouble 1 and Trouble 2 doing nails while the other 2 troubles were at the movies with Dad

A few nights of new dinners. 

Little Aunty Nae with a sauce obsession

Delicious chicken + vege soup with dumplings on top

Bacon, broccoli and potato soup

Korean Beef

Good old fave. Hadn't made these forever so I went all crazy and made them 3 times in a week 

FHE - prayer rocks

Waterview Tunnel. Biggest roading project in NZ since the Harbour Bridge

Dinner at Genghis Khan with our friends and best babysitters...Lami and Naynay

Poor little ladybug came home sickie from kindy :(

1st Rugby (rippa) game ever

My big baby buffalo

He got to choose cereal on the way home from his first game cause he got 3 tries and was awarded player of the day

What happens when she runs the bathwater herself

Fidget spinners arrive in the mail from Mac & Spence

He pretty much gets treats like this every week from his primary teacher at church. Lucky thing

1 comment:

  1. Damn I've got way too many comments. The puffer jacket! It was made for her! . How beautiful is ellas hair 😍 You needa tell me bout Faiths guitar comp??!
