Tuesday 6 November 2018

Halloween 2018

I feel like this was a ridiculous Halloween. The amount of lollies the kids came home with was so far out that we've scratched Halloween from our calendar forever more.....not kidding!

Flamingo girl


Gorilla boy (he wouldn't keep the mask on)

Our last minute game was carpool karaoke. Kids had to sing a song from a karaoke app on the ipad and then we played a bit of it back on the speaker

Au revoir Halloween....good riddance

Our trip to Jordy's birthday (in Pukehina)

At the end of September and the start of the school holidays it was Jordy's 9th birthday...perfect timing for us to go down to Pukehina for a weekend away with the party boy

Seth's learning to tie his laces and it's equal parts cool and annoying. He's since lost these shoes so we're back to velcro ones

My quick visit to the GC

3 weeks ago I managed to sneak in a trip to Australia to visit family (let's not talk about how it was supposed to be a temple trip but the temple was closed!)

But hey, I'm not complaining. I got to hang out with these cool people for 5 days. Being Aunty Mel is really fun!