Tuesday 6 November 2018

A flying visit with Uncle Craig and Aunty Jan (literally)

When I was over in Oz a couple of weeks ago I was shocked to see Uncle Craig and Aunty Jan who'd flown in from Arizona as a surprise. As soon as I saw them I knew Joe would be so bummed he wouldn't get to meet them cause they're the only family on my side that he hasn't met yet and let's be realistic, we're not going to the States any time soon.

When UC said he would be coming through Auckland for 2 hours on Sunday in a couple weeks time I knew we'd do our best to be there........And that's exactly what we did.

As they arrived at International from Domestic, we said our hellos, nice to meet yous, hope to come over and visit you sometime, and byes all in about 1/2 an hour.

Half and hour well spent if you ask me. It was cool to see Dad with his little brother and for Joe to meet them both. It was cool to see him scoop up the kids and hug them, and hilarious to see him hug Seth and say 'he's trouble right? I can tell...just like his Dad!'

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