Tuesday 6 November 2018

August - October 2018

One last hurrah with Grandie before he went on his latest big U.S trip

Father's Day card station

A Friday arvo trip out to Anawhata Beach. I was more into it than everyone else before we got there. All my buddies fell asleep on the drive which was about 45 minutes after I told them it would be 10...oops

Seth's bedtime line up

Our occasional mid-week blowout. This was our biggest one ever. It was supposed to be just nuggets but then Faith saw the hashbrowns and Ella saw the sausage rolls in the freezer

Dally chanelling her inner phlebotomist like Aunty Beezy

Mum and Ella's hairstyles session

No comment!

Now that I'm not working every day I sort the kids washing into their room baskets and put it in their rooms. Sometimes I leave it for them to fold and put away, sometimes I fold it and leave it in piles on their beds. This afternoon Sethy folded his all on his own and put it away without complaining....hadn't ever happened like that before....and probably hasn't happened since!

Seth as a lion in the school production....Chasing Nature. His teacher sent me this picture and we both cracked up cause he pushed his way from the back to get front and centre for the last pose

Most Valuable Player for his Baby Buffalos rugby team

One of the cool creations I've seen by Seth's bed lately

Happy Days.....mail from Julie and Luke

Trouble one and Trouble 2 finally fixing the shower after about 18 months of dripping

I LOVED this cool day with Mac and Dalls. I never get special Mac time without all of the other kids

Dad with his helpers. This was a few days during the holidays building a big concrete pad for containers that will be the shed for a new bike track on the field. I never got a photo of the finished job


About a month ago I took my 4 animals to the dentist for a checkup. How amazing was it that they see 3 kids at a time in a big joined room. It felt like it was designed just for me. Would have been better with 4 seats but I'm not complaining :)

My future electrician? He loved learning about circuits a couple of weeks ago

Officially the first ever pony tail that Dally's done herself. She's been working on it for about 2 weeks and she squealed no end when she finally got it

Ella's Netball/Touch team after their first game. Love these girls....and their coach...

....and this boy who's an honorary member of the team
My poor car came off a little scraped and dented after someone drove into the back of me. Annoying but thankfully the kids weren't in the car and no one was hurt.

Kapa Haka sleepover. Ella and Chels

My U11 Gold Bear looking pretty darn chuffed after her first ever club softball game

For old times sake. Those were pretty cool days

My Book of Mormon scripture reading group x

1 comment:

  1. OH man so many comments. Cool rugby pics of Seffy babe & Faify totally rocks her baseball uniform aye. It's so her. So amazing how all of your kids can still fall asleep in the car. Mac & Spence look so gouda in those top pics with Grandie lol
