Tuesday 6 February 2018

School holidays come to an end :(

Drawing Heavenly Father for a FHE lesson. Seffy totally wins the prize for cutest drawings at the moment.

Ella's such a good drawer but she does my head in during the process...'Mum can you do the outline for me, I can't do it' x 10 + crying.

We drove past Joe doing a job on Wairau Road a couple of weeks ago. Usually it's hard to see where he is on a site, or distinguish who he is amongst 20 other high viz guys. This day  he was in plain sight up in the cherry picker just at the right time.

Families in Parks at Marlborough...basically the best park set up ever. Renee and I on the beach chairs, kids playing with heaps of equipment for a few hours....so good (after getting past the first 40-ish minutes when the kids keep coming back and asking for food!)

Dalls followed around her bestie like a bad smell for a good half hour. Sorry Miss Minion :)

Free balloon animals even....a whole rubbish bag of them aye Renee!

Faith spent most of her time on this....bike?!?!?!
It was really hard to do (cause I tried), but she was a pro. For the next few days it was all she could talk about till we went back and she got to have another turn. I feel like this girl has quite a love of quirky things

The scoot/run crew on the first day of school 2018

Joe took the kids (minus Ella) to Kiwi Valley and now that I've seen the photos he took, I'm horrified.....guinea pigs and rabbits...ok.....rats....no way!!!!!

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