Tuesday 6 February 2018

Summer holidays Jan 2018

Faify's lounge setup when we had a few days minus Seth and Ella
Bethell's sand dunes before shot. No time to take one afterwards cause we were outta there. Not a great outing unless you love burning your feet and NOT sliding down sand.

A day trip to Hamilton with Grandie and the Leones

Ella and Kyky doing the scavenger hunt at the visitors centre. They were so cute taking it so seriously.

I think I'm in love with this as a wedding/event venue. The old Kai Hall

The new Stake Centre at the bottom of the Temple

A kind of New Years breakfast for dinner before Joe went away with the big kids

Back for our 4th time to the beach in Tairua with the Hekes

Back home for some Mummy & Dallin time...lucky us! We came back from the beach alone and let the others continue on to the marae for a few days

NYE at Miss Britty's with her puppy-sitting dog

New Year's Day with her big cuzzies at the mall

Ready to go on a run around the block with Mumma. Not sure about her exercise clothes

Ella's clothes and Mum's boots for a new look

Interesting pillow placement when Dalls made my bed

Telling Grandie and Aunty Nae about his first wiggly tooth. That was a month ago now and it still hasn't fallen out

Rock pet painting activity at the library

Choosing to buy a shopkin thing for her nursery teacher to say thank you for being such a great friend

1st Sunday in Primary

These 2 always want to get out the car on the street before ours so they can run a couple of hundred metres home. Most days I say no, but on Sundays they usually get to do it

Wow Babe. Nice hat sweats
Doing the soft plastics recycling thing has been life changing for our family. We take 2 or 3 full bags to the drop off bin each week and it saves so much space in our bin. Ella and Dalls love running it in

1st day back at kindy after 3 full weeks off. Her longest break in 2.5 years

A work day with Grandad Sonny

Ward Beach Picnic at Long Bay

Who does the Elder on the left remind you of?

On a date with Bob

It's been real hot here lately and we were all grossed out with how much Joe was sweating while eating his dinner this night!

Date night with the girls. We went to the Chocolate Boutique in Parnell and then to Cornwall Park for a play

Sorry Son, you're going with Dad

The boys chose to get drinks at the supermarket and go and hangout at a lookout in the Waitakere Ranges for their date

Snoozing through her primary class

Totally knocked out after a park day. She doesn't usually come in asleep from the car. This day I couldn't do anything to waker her up. She even stayed asleep on me as I kept getting up and down to make dinner!

Oh man! These summer holidays have been so insanely cool. We've had such a great mixture of home days and park days, movies, pools and so much more. It was good to get back to school of course but I am missing my little critters now that I'm not up there with them every day!

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