Wednesday 25 July 2018

May - July 2018

Typical sunday evening for my from 5pm-11pm!

Shared dinner for our family finances class.....which I can't recommend enough

After my old faithful finally dying (she had a good run of about 14 years I think), I've been searching for a new brush for ages. Couldn't find anything that came close until I came across this beauty at the body shop

This little poppet loved being the centre of attention for her B4 school check

Off to her first friends birthday party by herself....and a sleepover no less
Then straight to Rainbow's End the next day!

The bar was set sky high for Dally's 5th birthday next year

FHE letters to our loved ones in Australia

Sethy chose to write his to Indie. He often talks about her

Our puzzle queen in action

Negotiations.....took flippin ages for them to agree how to spend their $1 per person

2018 Book Character Parade

Morning Tea date with my little tiger cub

Our Wednesday date to do library swaps

Faith practising her life-saving skills she learnt at school with Stella's Dad. He's a firefighter/paramedic

Bobs loves making posters

Snow day at school. They bring in a huge truck full of snow and dump it in their carpark

My librarian 

Matariki Breakfast in Bobby's room

I got to do a day of clay art with this crazy critter...lucky me???!?!?!?!

Special Night away in the City for my 35th Birthday!

We don't really do 'presents' in our family, but this was about as good as it gets. Such a cool surprise when I went to bed that night

Not so cool when we got home from my birthday night away to find Dallin's hear in this state

Man that was a good dinner if I do say so myself. Our cuzzy sleepover was a hit as usual

Heaven for Dalls the day I took her to the pet shop before kindy drop off and there was a full load of puppies

Free minute to win it games at the local library

Basically my second home during the holidays. We call it 'the new park' but it's officially the Royal Reserve I think

Faith making a bird feeder for a home learning project

Right up there on my list of dream homes. A beautiful old original home amongst all the brand new apartments and homes at Hobsonville Point

Dinner with the Shotcrete Boys after they'd worked a 14-ish hour day in Mission Bay

Mac's delicious red velvet/cream cheese lava cakes

Faithy going away on her 5 night sleepover with the Fairweathers to their bach in Whiritoa

That hair!!!!

I told Seth to draw a picture of Mum and Dad with a heart in the middle. Love it

No caption necessary

Grandie braved the park and then regretted it cause he wasn't feeling well

At Aunty B's blood place

A new little FHE refreshments creation. Kind of successful, kind of a failure. Not great looking but really really yum

The day Joe and the truck and the pump all went over to Waiheke. Wish I could've gone!

Phew, that's it. I should do this monthly rather than quarterly