Wednesday 4 July 2018

Sethy is Six!

This big, green, hulky boy turned 6 yesterday!

In the lead up to his birthday he pleaded and pleaded for a dog as a present. I made it very clear that that was definitely, 100% not going to happen so thankfully when I came into the lounge yesterday he said 'don't worry Mum, I know I'm not getting a dog, I've got another present idea'.
Phew!!! What's that son?
An iPad!'

Thankfully once again, he forgot he said that and was chuffed with his present of roast chicken shapes, a lynx body spray and his very own 1.5L Lime Primo.....which cost about $10 and was all bought at Pak n Save as part of my grocery shopping!

Seriously though, he did have such a great day, and he totally deserved it.
His play after school with his friend Cooper and his Leone cuzzies was what he really wanted.

Here's my almost 6 year old...

I got this in the mail from him for Mother's day, like actually posted from his class teachers!

Max Super Sour Jelly Babies for his birthday lunch were intense. I thought he'd ask to go to McDs for his birthday lunch when Dalls and I picked him up but he was adamant he wanted to go to Pak N Save....pringles, sour lollies and a powerade are such a nutritious lunch I know!

6 things I love about my little lovey boy

1. He's super duper handsome

2. He's fast and fun. This boy never sits still for long, well actually that's not true because he's a great movie watcher and phone game player if given half the chance. But if he doesn't have one of those things, he's wrestling, running, chasing, playing, laughing, shooting....go, go, go!

3. Seth loves a challenge. If I say he can't do something (like how I trick him into doing homework!), he'll do it really well and then go 'ha, you didn't think I could!'

4. He's inquisitive to learn new things and he remembers things he's heard. Numbers are definitely a strength. My little mathematician

5. Seth's a great sharer. If he has something (like lollies) that the girls want, and they ask for some, 99% of the time, he's only too happy to share

6. Sethy's faces and expressions and mannerisms and cheekiness are hilarious (most of the time!). He's got facials and moves that make me laugh even when I'm trying to keep a straight face. He definitely got a lot of Dad in him

And lastly, I better record this cause I don't think I have anywhere,

On the night you were born, I remember having an evening nap while Dad made homemade patties for burgers. They smelt so good but I knew my tummy was super sore when I woke up. My waters broke as soon as I stood up out of the bed so I knew you were on your way.

We did a FHE lesson and game through  my contractions cause it was my first time in labour like this so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Our lesson was about repenting after making mistakes (I put fudge sauce over a picture of a little girl and then we wiped it off). Then we played Don't eat Pete. When I was definitely sure you were really coming, we jumped in the car and drove the big girls over to Aunty Nae's house and headed to the hospital, not before dropping in at Grandies house to get Dad's gym bag. Goodness knows why he needed it when I was pretty much dying in labour!

Once we arrived at the hospital, Dad said he would park in the carpark and we could walk over to the main entrance. Somehow I told him he needed to drop me off at the front door because I couldn't walk that far. I was having a baby afterall! He put me in a wheelchair and then came back after getting a carpark.

We went up, got a room and about an hour later, you were born. My very own baby boy.

We didn't know you were a boy so when I was told I was so, so happy and also a bit sad cause my immediate thought was 'I'll have to send him on a mission'.

You were my easiest far....and I'll be forever grateful for that. Babies are hardwork, but not you my love. You were so good to your Mumma xxx

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that nerf gun is massive!! Crack up hes written his name on it 😂😂 now you have to keep it lol
